WSDL Page: http://<your_domain_here>/api/11/reports.asmx?op=Conversions
Parameter Summary:
api_key / STRING = Admin API Key {See get.asmx > GetAPIKey}
start_date / DATETIME = Report Start Date [MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS]
end_date / DATETIME = Report End Date [MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS]
conversion_type / ENUMERATION = The type of conversions to include in the response.["all", "events", "conversions"]
event_id / Event ID to be used to filter the response.
affiliate_id / INT = Affiliate ID ["0" = ALL Affiliates] {See export.asmx > Affiliates}
advertiser_id / INT = Advertiser ID ["0" = ALL Advertisers] {See export.asmx > Advertisers}
offer_id / INT = Offer ID ["0" = ALL Offers] {See export.asmx > Offers}
affiliate_tag_id / INT = Affiliate Tag ID, used to filter the response by traffic from tagged Affiliates. {See get.asmx > AffiliateTags}
advertiser_tag_id / INT = Advertiser Tag ID, used to filter the response by traffic from tagged Advertiser.{See export.asmx > Advertisers}
offer_tag_id / INT = Offer Tag ID, used to filter the response by traffic from tagged Offers. {See export.asmx > Offers}
campaign_id / INT = Campaign ID ["0" = ALL Campaigns] {See export.asmx > Campaigns}
creative_id / INT = Creative ID ["0" = ALL Creatives] {See export.asmx > Creatives}
price_format_id / INT = Price Format ID, used to filter the response by specific price format. {See get.asmx > GetPriceFormats}
disposition_type / ENUMERATION = Disposition Type, used to filter the response by disposition type passed. ["all", "pending", "rejected", "approved", "returned"]
disposition_id / INT = Disposition ID, used to filter the response by disposition ID. {See track.asmx > ConversionDisposition}
affiliate_billing_status / ENUMERATION = Used to filter the response of the report, by actions billing status. ["all", "billed", "unbilled", "partial"]
advertiser_billing_status / ENUMERATION = Used to filter the response of the report, by actions billing status. ["all", "billed", "unbilled", "partial"]
test_filter / ENUMERATION = Include Test Conversions? ["both", "tests", "non_tests"]
start_at_row / INT = Starting Row Number [Usually "1", unless doing incremental API Calls]
row_limit / INT = Maximum Rows Returned ["0" = ALL Rows, "100000" = Maximum]
sort_field / STRING = Sort Field ["conversion_id", "visitor_id", "request_session_id", "click_id", "conversion_date", "transaction_id", "last_updated"]
sort_descending / BOOL = Sort Descending? ["TRUE", "FALSE"]
Parameter Types:
api_key - ID
start_date - ID
end_date - ID
conversion_type - ID
event_id - ID
affiliate_id - ID
advertiser_id - ID
offer_id - ID
affiliate_tag_id - ID
advertiser_tag_id - ID
offer_tag_id - ID
campaign_id - ID
creative_id - ID
price_format_id - ID
disposition_type - ID
disposition_id - ID
affiliate_billing_status - ID
advertiser_billing_status - ID
test_filter - ID
start_at_row - ID
row_limit - ID
sort_field - ID
sort_descending - ID
Sample GET Call:
Sample XML Response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<conversion_report_response xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">
<affiliate_id xmlns="API:id_name_store">1111166</affiliate_id>
<affiliate_name xmlns="API:id_name_store"> Brads Affiliate Account Pending test</affiliate_name>
<advertiser_id xmlns="API:id_name_store">1</advertiser_id>
<advertiser_name xmlns="API:id_name_store">CAKE Master Advertiser</advertiser_name>
<offer_id xmlns="API:id_name_store">-1</offer_id>
<offer_name xmlns="API:id_name_store">Offer -1</offer_name>
<offer_contract_id xmlns="API:id_name_store">-1</offer_contract_id>
<offer_contract_name xmlns="API:id_name_store">Offer Contract -1</offer_contract_name>
<creative_id xmlns="API:id_name_store">1133257</creative_id>
<creative_name xmlns="API:id_name_store">1133257 - 1133089</creative_name>
<sub_id_1 />
<sub_id_2 />
<sub_id_3 />
<sub_id_4 />
<sub_id_5 />
<conversion_referrer_url />
<conversion_user_agent>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/34.0.1847.137 Safari/537.36</conversion_user_agent>
<click_user_agent>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/34.0.1847.137 Safari/537.36</click_user_agent>
<price_format_id xmlns="API:id_name_store">2</price_format_id>
<price_format_name xmlns="API:id_name_store">CPC</price_format_name>
<transaction_id />
<disposition_type_id xmlns="API:id_name_store">1</disposition_type_id>
<disposition_type_name xmlns="API:id_name_store">Pending</disposition_type_name>
<contact>System Process</contact>
<conversion_score xsi:nil="true" />
<country_code xmlns="API:id_name_store">UA</country_code>
<country_name xmlns="API:id_name_store">Ukraine</country_name>
<region_code xmlns="API:id_name_store">30</region_code>
<region_name xmlns="API:id_name_store">Kyiv</region_name>
<language_id xmlns="API:id_name_store">1</language_id>
<language_name xmlns="API:id_name_store">English</language_name>
<isp_id xmlns="API:id_name_store">26308</isp_id>
<isp_name xmlns="API:id_name_store">Silvertelecom Ltd</isp_name>
<version_id xmlns="API:id_name_store">9</version_id>
<version_name xmlns="API:id_name_store">Windows 7</version_name>
<version_id xmlns="API:id_name_store">9</version_id>
<version_name xmlns="API:id_name_store" />
<version_id xmlns="API:id_name_store">309</version_id>
<version_name xmlns="API:id_name_store">34</version_name>
<version_id xmlns="API:id_name_store">485</version_id>
<version_name xmlns="API:id_name_store" />
<note />