NOTE: This service requires one of these three fields(conversion_id, request_session_id, or transaction_id) to find the specific Conversion/Event that you want to update.
WSDL Page: http://<your_domain_here>/api/2/track.asmx?op=UpdateConversion
Parameter Summary:
api_key / STRING = Admin API Key
offer_id / INT = Offer ID
conversion_id / INT = Conversion ID {See reports.asmx > Conversions}
request_id / INT = Click Request Session ID {See reports.asmx > Conversions}
transaction_id / STRING = Conversion Transaction ID {See reports.asmx > Conversions} [ To ignore this string field, you can leave it blank, otherwise we will attempt to match a conversion with a Transaction ID of "0"]
payout /DECIMAL= Payout amount
add_to_existing_payout /BOOL = Add the payout amount to the conversion? ["TRUE", "FALSE"]
received / DECIMAL = Received amount
received_option / ENUMERATION = How should the received field be handled with this request. [""total_sale_amount", "additional_sale_amount", "total_revenue", "additional_revenue", "no_change"]
disposition_type / ENUMERATION = Disposition Type to assign to the conversion ["no_change","pending","rejected","approved","returned"]
disposition_id / INT = Dispostion ID to add additional color to the Disposition Type assigned. {See track.asmx > ConversionDispositions}
update_revshare_payout / BOOL = When the conversion is tied to a revshare campaign, do you want the received amount to update the payout amount? ["TRUE", "FALSE"]
effective_date_option /STRING =The effective date these changes should be applied to ["today", "conversion_date", "custom"]
custom_date / DATETIME = This date field is only used on effective_date_option = custom, otherwise this date is ignored.[MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS]
note_to_append / STRING = Freeform Notes
Parameter Types:
api_key - ID
offer_id - ID
conversion_id - ID
request_session_id - ID
transaction_id - ID
add_to_existing_payout - ASSIGNABLE
received - ASSIGNABLE
received_option - ASSIGNABLE
disposition_type - ASSIGNABLE
disposition_id - ASSIGNABLE
update_revshare_payout - ASSIGNABLE
effective_date_option- ASSIGNABLE
custom_date - ASSIGNABLE
note_to_append - ASSIGNABLE
Sample GET Call:¬e_to_append=example
Sample XML Response:
<message>Conversion Updated</message>