WSDL Page:
Parameter Summary:
api_key / STRING = Admin API Key {See get.asmx > GetAPIKey}
vertical_id / INT (short) = Vertical ID {See get.asmx > Verticals}
lead_id / STRING = CAKE Lead ID {See track.asmx > ConversionDispositions}
add_to_existing / BOOL = Add Amount to Existing Revenue? ["TRUE" = Add, "FALSE" = Overwrite]
amount / DECIMAL = Revenue to be Added/Overwritten [Use a negative Dollar Amount to Remove Credit]
mark_as_returned / BOOL = Mark the Conversion as Returned? ["TRUE", "FALSE"]
note_to_append / STRING = Freeform Notes
effective_date_option /STRING = The effective date these changes should be applied to. ["today", "conversion_date", "custom"]
custom_date /DATETIME = This date field is only used on effective_date_option = custom, otherwise this date is ignored.[MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS]
Parameter Types:
api_key - ID
vertical_id - ID
lead_id - ID
add_to_existing - ASSIGNABLE
mark_as_returned - ASSIGNABLE
note_to_append - ASSIGNABLE
effective_date_option -ASSIGNABLE
custom_date - ASSIGNABLE
Sample GET Call:
Sample XML Response:
<update_lead_price_response xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">
<message>Lead Updated</message>