EXPORT Advertisers API
Updated on 2014-03-27
Current Version: Version 3
Latest Version: Version 5
Deprecated Version: V1
Requests Allowed: GET & SOAP
Returns an array of advertisers potentially filtered by advertiser_id, advertiser_name, account_manager_id, tag_id.
You can also obtain this from within your CAKE instance by going to advertisers tab >> advertisers >> export.
Resource/WSDL Page:
api_key |
This api_key will provide you with the ability to export Campaigns for your instance. You can obtain this api_key from within CAKE >> Setup >> Permissions in the API Key list. Must be a valid API key (existing and NOT expired) Example Value: Fo35NRAqvFLXoZxqB4aViaiYM7iVMhh |
advertiser_id |
If passing anything <= 0 the result will include all advertisers. If the advertiser ID does not exist, it will return an empty array instead of an error. You can obtain the advertiser ID from within your CAKE instance under the Advertiser tab >> ID Example Values: 1234 |
advertiser_name |
Not required and can accept blank value. Used to filter records matching the value or will return all records if blank. You can obtain the advertiser name from within your CAKE instance under the advertiser tab >> advertisers. Example Values: ACME Incorporated |
account_manager_id |
If passing anything <= 0 the result will include all advertisers. You can obtain the advertiser manager id from within your CAKE instance under the advertiser tab >> advertisers >> and by selecting onto the name of account manager in the listed columns. Example Values: 1234 |
tag_id |
Passing a zero (0) value will return all records. Passing an actual value will filter records matching the value. {See get.asmx > AffiliateTags} Example Values: 3 |
start_at_row |
Must pass at least 0 as value, which means start at the beginning of the data set. Example Values: 3 |
row_limit |
Must pass at least 0 as value, which means no limit. Example Values: 3 |
sort_field |
Accepts "advertiser_id", "advertiser_name", "date_created" or 0 to ignore this filter.The value could be any integer in order to ignore this filter. Example Values: 3 |
sort_descending |
The following values can only be used for this parameter (TRUE or FALSE). Example Values: TRUE |
**Note all optional parameters still need to be passed through in the actual call. These parameters do not need a value (therefore you can use a null value).
Example Request
http://demo.cakemarketing.com/api/5/export.asmx/Advertisers?api_key=dNJFmId9rI&advertiser_id=2&advertiser_name=&account_manager_id=0&tag_id=0&start_at_row=1&row_limit=1&sort_field=advertiser_id&sort_descending=FALSE |
Sample XML Response:
<advertiser_export_response> <success>true</success> <row_count>1</row_count> <advertisers> <advertiser> <advertiser_id>2</advertiser_id> <advertiser_name>Mink Media</advertiser_name> <account_managers> <contact> <contact_id>1158</contact_id> <contact_name>Mike Walters</contact_name> </contact> </account_managers> <account_status> <account_status_id>1</account_status_id> <account_status_name>Active</account_status_name> </account_status> <address> <street_1/> <street_2/> <city/> <state/> <zip_code/> <country/> </address> <website>http://www.cakemarketing.com</website> <contacts> <contact> <contact_id>1295</contact_id> <contact_type> <contact_type_id>1</contact_type_id> <contact_type_name>Account Manager</contact_type_name> </contact_type> <role> <role_id>7</role_id> <role_name>Advertiser</role_name> </role> <department> <department_id xsi:nil="true"/> <department_name/> </department> <first_name>John</first_name> <middle_name/> <last_name>Doe</last_name> <email_address>[email protected]</email_address> <title>CMO</title> <phone_work>555-1212</phone_work> <phone_cell>555-1212</phone_cell> <phone_fax/> <im_service/> <im_name/> <include_in_mass_emails>true</include_in_mass_emails> <notes/> </contact> </contacts> <tags/> <suppression_lists> <suppression_list> <suppression_list_id>35</suppression_list_id> <suppression_list_name>Suppression List 35</suppression_list_name> <suppression_list_type> <suppression_list_type_id>1</suppression_list_type_id> <suppression_list_type_name>Static Link</suppression_list_type_name> </suppression_list_type> <md5_only>false</md5_only> <date_created>2012-06-22T18:23:21.94</date_created> <static_link_info> <list_location>https://affiliates.leadsaccelerize.com/creatives/suppression/sfc.zip</list_location> </static_link_info> </suppression_list> <suppression_list> <suppression_list_id>70</suppression_list_id> <suppression_list_name>Suppression List 70</suppression_list_name> <suppression_list_type> <suppression_list_type_id>3</suppression_list_type_id> <suppression_list_type_name>Optizmo</suppression_list_type_name> </suppression_list_type> <md5_only>false</md5_only> <date_created>2012-06-28T16:29:45.437</date_created> <optizmo_info> <list_location>https://one.optizmo.net/api?action=add_emails&onid=9863748b822ed1dec82ccff39e517d52&advertiser_id=2&advertiser_name=Mink+Media&optout_id=70&optout_name=Suppression+List+70&optout_set_md5only=0&ref=qhsmw&check_hash=b2b344bc9a35b0f6869f800477fda888</list_location> <list_size>0</list_size> <date_updated xsi:nil="true"/> </optizmo_info> </suppression_list> </suppression_lists> <blacklists/> <billing_cycle> <billing_cycle_id>3</billing_cycle_id> <billing_cycle_name>Monthly</billing_cycle_name> </billing_cycle> <quickbooks_id xsi:nil="true"/> <online_signup>false</online_signup> <signup_ip_address/> <api_key>rKm71EV06m0</api_key> <date_created>2011-07-08T00:00:00</date_created> <notes/> </advertiser> </advertisers> </advertiser_export_response> |
Example Error Messages:
Error Message |
Likely Cause |
Invalid API Key |
API key does not exist or is expired. |