Note: This service has changed all bool data types to enumerations with the option of do_not_change. In the scenario where you wish to edit an existing offer, you can bypass the bool fields by passing "do_not_change".
WSDL Page: http://<your_domain_here>/api/3/addedit.asmx?op=Offer
Parameter Summary:
api_key / STRING = Admin API Key {See get.asmx > GetAPIKey}
offer_id / INT = Offer ID [Existing ID = Edit Offer / "0" = Create Offer]
advertiser_id / INT = Advertiser ID{See export.asmx > Advertisers}
vertical_id / INT (short) = Vertical ID {See get.asmx > Verticals}
offer_name / STRING = Offer Name
third_party_name / STRING = Offer 3rd Party Name
hidden / ENUMERATION = Hidden field on the Offer Card > Home tab. Used to remove access to the offer in the affiliate portal ["on","off","no_change"]
offer_status_id / INT (unsignedByte) = Offer Status ID ["1" = Public, "2" = Private, "3" = Apply To Run, "4" = Inactive]
offer_type_id / INT (unsignedByte) = Offer Type ID ["1" = Hosted, "2" = Host-n-Post, "3" = 3rd Party]
currency_id / INT (unsignedByte) = Payout Currency ID {See get.asmx > Currencies}
ssl / ENUMERATION = Redirect to a secure link? ["on","off","no_change"]
click_cookie_days / INT (short) = Click Cookie Days
impression_cookie_days / INT (short) = Impression Cookie Days
redirect_offer_contract_id / INT (unsignedByte) = Redirect Offer to redirect traffic to
redirect_404 / ENUMERATION = Send redirected traffic to a 404 page as opposed to the redirect offer? ["on","off","no_change"]
enable_view_thru_conversions / ENUMERATION = Enable View Thru Conversions? ["on","off","no_change"]
click_trumps_impression / ENUMERATION = Clicks Trump Impressions? ["on","off","no_change"]
disable_click_deduplication / ENUMERATION = Disable Click Deduplication? ["on","off","no_change"]
last_touch / ENUMERATION = Last Touch? ["on","off","no_change"]
enable_transaction_id_deduplication / ENUMERATION = Enable Transaction ID Deduplication? ["on","off","no_change"]
postbacks_only / ENUMERATION = Restrict this offer to only track with postback URLs for third party conversion pixels? ["on","off","no_change"]
pixel_html/ STRING = Offer global conversion pixel
postback_url / STRING = Offer global postback url
postback_url_ms_delay / INT (short)= Offer global postback url ms delay. The amount of time in ms that the postback URL will wait be posted
fire_global_pixel / ENUMERATION = Fire global pixel? ["on","off","no_change"]
fire_global_pixel_on_non_paid_conversions / ENUMERATION = Fire global pixel on non paid conversions? ["on","off","no_change"]
static_suppression / INT (short) = Static suppression
conversion_cap_behavior / INT (unsignedByte) = How are conversions handled, when received after the offer hits cap ["1" = "Advertiser Payment, Affiliate Payment", "2" = "Advertiser Payment, No Affiliate Payment", "3" = "No Advertiser Payment, Affiliate Payment", "4" = "No Advertiser Payment, No Affiliate Payment", "5" = "Ignore Conversion"]
conversion_behavior_on_redirect / INT (unsignedByte) = How are conversions handled, when they would result in a redirect ["1" = "Advertiser Payment, Affiliate Payment", "2" = "Advertiser Payment, No Affiliate Payment", "3" = "No Advertiser Payment, Affiliate Payment", "4" = "No Advertiser Payment, No Affiliate Payment", "5" = "Ignore Conversion"]
expiration_date / DATETIME = Date when the offer will expire. Required even if no expiration is needed. To ignore this field use the "expiration_date_modification_type=do_not_change" [MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS]
expiration_date_modification_type / ENUMERATION = How should the expiration_date be used? ["do_not_change","change","remove"]
offer_contract_name / STRING = Offer contract name
offer_contract_hidden / ENUMERATION = Offer Contract Hidden? ["on","off","no_change"]
price_format_id / INT (unsignedByte) = Price Format ID {See get.asmx > GetPriceFormats}
payout / DECIMAL = Price Paid Per Conversion
received / DECIMAL = Price Received Per Conversion
received_percentage / ENUMERATION = Price Received Percentage? ["on","off","no_change"]
offer_link / STRING = Offer Landing Page URL
thankyou_link / STRING = Thank You Link URL
preview_link / STRING = Preview Link
thumbnail_file_import_url / STRING = Link to the image you want to use as the thumbnail for the offer.
offer_description / STRING = Offer Description
restrictions / STRING = Offer Restrictions
advertiser_extended_terms / STRING = Advertiser Extended Terms
testing_instructions / STRING = Testing Instructions
tags / STRING = Tags
allow_affiliates_to_create_creatives / ENUMERATION =Allow affiliates to create creatives? ["on","off","no_change"]
unsubscribe_link / STRING = Unsubscribe link location
from_lines / STRING = From lines
subject_lines / STRING = Subject lines
Parameter Types:
api_key - ASSIGNABLE
offer_id - ID
advertiser_id - ID
vertical_id - ID
offer_name - ASSIGNABLE
third_party_name - ASSIGNABLE
offer_status_id - ID
offer_type_id - ID
currency_id - ID
click_cookie_days - ASSIGNABLE
impression_cookie_days - ASSIGNABLE
redirect_offer_contract_id - ID
redirect_404 - ASSIGNABLE
enable_view_thru_conversions - ASSIGNABLE
click_trumps_impression - ASSIGNABLE
disable_click_deduplication - ASSIGNABLE
last_touch - ASSIGNABLE
enable_transaction_id_deduplication - ASSIGNABLE
postbacks_only - ASSIGNABLE
pixel_html - ASSIGNABLE
postback_url - ASSIGNABLE
postback_url_ms_delay - ASSIGNABLE
fire_global_pixel - ASSIGNABLE
fire_pixel_on_non_paid_conversions - ASSIGNABLE
static_suppression - ASSIGNABLE
conversion_cap_behavior - ASSIGNABLE
conversion_behavior_on_redirect - ASSIGNABLE
expiration_date - ASSIGNABLE
expiration_date_modification_type - ASSIGNABLE
offer_contract_name - ASSIGNABLE
offer_contract_hidden - ASSIGNABLE
price_format_id - ID
received - ASSIGNABLE
received_percentage - ASSIGNABLE
offer_link - ASSIGNABLE
thankyou_link - ASSIGNABLE
preview_link - ASSIGNABLE
thumbnail_file_import_url - ASSIGNABLE
offer_description - ASSIGNABLE
restrictions - ASSIGNABLE
advertiser_extended_terms - ASSIGNABLE
testing_instructions - ASSIGNABLE
allow_affiliates_to_create_creatives - ASSIGNABLE
unsubscribe_link - ASSIGNABLE
from_lines - ASSIGNABLE
subject_lines - ASSIGNABLE
Sample GET Call:
Sample XML Response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<offer_addedit_response xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">
<message>Offer 55378176 Created</message>