WSDL Page: http://<your_domain_here>/api/2/addedit.asmx?op=Campaign
Parameter Summary:
api_key / STRING = Admin API Key {See get.asmx > GetAPIKey}
campaign_id / INT = Campaign ID [Existing ID = Edit Campaign / "0" = Create Campaign] {See export.asmx > Campaigns}
affiliate_id / INT = Affiliate ID {See export.asmx > Affiliate}
offer_id / INT = Offer ID {See export.asmx > Offers}
offer_contract_id / INT = Offer Contract ID {See export.asmx > Offers}
media_type_id / INT (unsignedByte) = Media Type ID {See get.asmx > GetMediaTypes}
third_party_name / STRING = Third Party Name
account_status_id / INT (unsignedByte) = Campaign Status ID {See get.asmx > AccountStatuses}
expiration_date / DATETIME = Campaigns Expiration Date. Note: This is required with every post attempt. Use "expiration_date_modification_type" to tell the service how to handle this DATETIME.
expiration_date_modification_type / ENUMERATION = How should we handle the "expiration_date" that is passed on this request ["on", "off", "no_change"]
currency_id / INT (unsignedByte) = Currency ID {See get.asmx > Currencies}
payout / DECIMAL = Price Paid Per Conversion
paid / ENUMERATION = Should all actions result in payment ["on", "off", "no_change"]
static_suppression / BYTE = Static suppression amount Note: Use "-1" to skip field, "0" disable.
paid_redirects / ENUMERATION = Should redirects result in payment ["on", "off", "no_change"]
paid_upsells / ENUMERATION = Should upsells be paid ["on", "off", "no_change"]
review / ENUMERATION = Should traffic be reviewed ["on", "off", "no_change"]
auto_disposition_delay_hours / INT = How many hours before conversions are updated to Approved
redirect_offer_contract_id / INT = Offer Contract ID where to redirect traffic {See export.asmx > Offers}
redirect_404 / ENUMERATION = When redirecting, should we redirect to a 404 page ["on", "off", "no_change"]
clear_session_on_conversion / ENUMERATION = Should the session be cleared after a successful conversion ["on", "off", "no_change"]
postback_url / STRING = Campaign Postback URL
postback_delay_ms / INT = Postback Delay (ms)
pixel_html / STRING = Campaign Pixel HTML
test_link / STRING = Campaign Test Link
redirect_url / STRING = Root domain to be used for this campaigns links {See get.asmx > TrackingDomains}
Parameter Types:
api_key - ID
campaign_id - ID
affiliate_id - ID
offer_id - ID
offer_contract_id - ID
media_type_id - ASSIGNABLE
third_party_name - ASSIGNABLE
account_status_id - ASSIGNABLE
expiration_date - ASSIGNABLE
expiration_date_modification_type - ASSIGNABLE
currency_id - ASSIGNABLE
use_offer_contract_payout- ASSIGNABLE
static_suppression - ASSIGNABLE
paid_redirects - ASSIGNABLE
paid_upsells - ASSIGNABLE
auto_disposition_delay_hours - ASSIGNABLE
redirect_offer_contract_id - ID
redirect_404 - ASSIGNABLE
clear_session_on_conversion - ASSIGNABLE
postback_url - ASSIGNABLE
postback_delay_ms - ASSIGNABLE
pixel_html - ASSIGNABLE
test_link - ASSIGNABLE
redirect_domain- ASSIGNABLE
Sample GET Call:
Sample XML Response:
<campaign_addedit_response xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">