WSDL Page:
Parameter Summary:
api_key / STRING = Admin API Key {See get.asmx > GetAPIKey}
offer_id / ID = Offer ID
offer_contract_id / ID = Offer Contract ID {See export.asmx > Offer}
offer_contract_name / STRING = Offer Contract name
price_format_id / ID = Price Format ID {See get.asmx>PriceFormats}
payout / DECIMAL = Default Price Paid
received / DECIMAL = Price Received
received_percentage / BOOL = Is the received amount a percentage?
offer_link / STRING = OfferLink
thankyou_link / STRING = The Thankyou link for the Offer Contract
offer_contract_hidden / BOOL = Offer contract hidden from portal?
offer_contract_is_default / BOOL = Make this Offer Contract the default?
use_fallback_targeting / BOOL = Fallback targeting method?
Parameter Types:
api_key - ID
offer_id - ID
offer_contract_id - ID
offer_contract_name - ASSIGNABLE
price_format_id - ID
received - ASSIGNABLE
received_percentage - ASSIGNABLE
offer_link - ASSIGNABLE
thankyou_link - ASSIGNABLE
offer_contract_hidden - ASSIGNABLE
offer_contract_is_default - ASSIGNABLE
use_fallback_targeting - ASSIGNABLE
Sample GET Call:
Sample XML Response:
<offercontract_addedit_response xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">