WSDL Page: http://<your_domain_here>/api/1/addedit.asmx?op=SuppressionList
Parameter Summary:
api_key / STRING = Admin API Key {See get.asmx > GetAPIKey}
suppression_list_id / INT (unsignedByte)= Suppression List ID [Existing ID = Edit Suppression List/ "0" = Create New Suppression List] {See get.asmx > Advertisers}
advertiser_id / INT (unsignedByte)= Advertiser ID {See get.asmx > Advertisers}
list_name / STRING =Suppression List Name
stored_in_md5_only / BOOL = Is this list stored in MD5 encryption?
last_change_date / DATETIME = Date this list was last modified. Date must be passed every time. [MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS]
last_change_date_modification_type / ENUMERATION = This field is used to determine how to apply the last_change_date. ["do_not_change","change","remove"]
suppression_list_type / ENUMERATION = This field is used to determine how to apply the last_change_date. ["static_link","unsubcentral","optizmo","ezepo"]
static_link_list_location / STRING = End point of where the file is hosted. Only required if you select a static_link option for suppression_list_type.
unsubcentral_api_url / STRING = Unsubcentral API URL. Only required if you select unsubcentral option for suppression_list_type.
unsubcentral_parent_hash / STRING = Unsubcentral Parent Hash. Only required if you select unsubcentral option for suppression_list_type.
Parameter Types:
api_key - IDsuppression_list_id - ID
advertiser_id - ID
list_name - ASSIGNABLE
stored_in_md5_only - ASSIGNABLE
last_change_date - ASSIGNABLE
last_change_date_modification_type - ASSIGNABLE
suppression_list_type - ASSIGNABLE
static_link_list_location - ASSIGNABLE
unsubcentral_api_url - ASSIGNABLE
unsubcentral_parent_hash - ASSIGNABLE
Sample GET Call:
Sample XML Response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<suppression_list_addedit_response xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">
<message>Suppression List 162 Successfully Created</message>