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[Addedit] Affiliate (V2) - Admin

WSDL Page:  http://<your_domain_here>/api/2/addedit.asmx?op=Affiliate

Parameter Summary:

api_key / STRING = Admin API Key {See get.asmx > GetAPIKey}

affiliate_id / INT = Affiliate ID  ["0" Create new affiliate /  "ID" Update affiliate]

affiliate_name / STRING = Affiliate Name

third_party_name / STRING = 3rd Party Name of Affiliate

account_status_id / INT (unsignedByte) = Affiliate Account Status ID {See get.asmx > AccountStatuses}

affiliate_tier_id / INT (unsignedByte) = Affiliate Tier ID {See get.asmx > AffiliateTiers}

hide_offers / BOOL = Hide Offers with no Campaigns in the Affiliate Portal? ["TRUE", "FALSE"]

website / STRING = Affiliate Website

tax_class / STRING = Tax Class ["Corporation", "Individual/Sole Proprietor", "Partners/LLC/LLP", "Other"]

ssn_tax_id / STRING = SSN or Tax ID

vat_tax_required / BOOL = VAT Tax Required? ["TRUE", "FALSE"]

swift_iban / STRING = SWIFT/IBAN ID

payment_to / INT (unsignedByte) = Payment Entity ["0" = Company Name, "1" = Main Contact]

payment_fee / DECIMAL = Payment Fee

payment_min_threshold / DECIMAL = Minimum Payment Threshold

currency_id / INT (unsignedByte) = Payout Currency ID {See get.asmx > Currencies}

payment_setting_id / INT (unsignedByte) = Affiliate Payout Settings {See get.asmx > PaymentSettings}

billing_cycle_id / INT (unsignedByte) = Billing Cycle ID {See get.asmx > BillingCycles}

payment_type_id / INT (unsignedByte) = Payment Type ID {See get.asmx > PaymentTypes}

payment_type_info / STRING = Payment Details

address_street / STRING = Street Address 1

address_street2 / STRING = Street Address 2

address_city / STRING = City

address_state / STRING = State

address_zip_code / STRING = Zip Code

address_country / STRING = Country

media_type_ids / STRING = Media Type IDs [can be comma-separated] {See get.asmx > GetMediaTypes}

price_format_ids / STRING = Price Format IDs [can be comma-separated] {See get.asmx > GetPriceFormats}

vertical_category_ids / STRING = Vertical Category IDs [can be comma-separated] {See get.asmx > GetVerticalCategories}

country_codes / STRING = Country Codes [can be comma-separated]

tags / STRING = Tag IDs [can be comma-separated] {See get.asmx > AffiliateTags} [Pass "NULL" to not update this field]

pixel_html / STRING = The HTML pixel that will be used for the Affiliate global pixel [Leaving this field blank will not update an existing pixel_html]

postback_url / STRING = The URL that will be used for the Affiliate global postback URL [Leaving this field blank will not update an existing postback_url]

postback_delay_ms / STRING = Amount of time( in MS) the postback URL will wait before its fired.

fire_global_pixel / BOOL = Fire the global pixel?

date_added / DATETIME = Date Added [MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS]

online_signup / BOOL = Online Signup

signup_ip_address / STRING = Signup IP Address

referral_affiliate_id / INT = Referral Affiliate ID {See export.asmx > Affiliates}

referral_notes / STRING = Referral Notes

terms_and_conditions_agreed / BOOL = Agreed to the Terms and Conditions? ["TRUE", "FALSE"]

notes / STRING = Freeform Notes


Parameter Types:

api_key - ID

affiliate_name - ASSIGNABLE

account_status_id - ASSIGNABLE

affiliate_tier_id - ASSIGNABLE

hide_offers - BOOL

website - ASSIGNABLE

tax_class - ASSIGNABLE

ssn_tax_id - ASSIGNABLE

vat_tax_required - ASSIGNABLE

swift_iban - ASSIGNABLE

payment_to - ASSIGNABLE

payment_fee - ASSIGNABLE

payment_min_threshold - ASSIGNABLE

currency_id - ASSIGNABLE

payment_setting_id - ASSIGNABLE

billing_cycle_id - ASSIGNABLE

payment_type_id - ASSIGNABLE

payment_type_info - ASSIGNABLE

address_street - ASSIGNABLE

address_street2 - ASSIGNABLE

address_city - ASSIGNABLE

address_state - ASSIGNABLE

address_zip_code - ASSIGNABLE

address_country - ASSIGNABLE

media_type_ids - ASSIGNABLE

price_format_ids - ASSIGNABLE

vertical_category_ids - ASSIGNABLE

country_codes - ASSIGNABLE


pixel_html - ASSIGNABLE


postback_delay_ms - ASSIGNABLE

fire_global_pixel - ASSIGNABLE

date_added - ASSIGNABLE

online_signup - BOOL

signup_ip_address - ASSIGNABLE

referral_affiliate_id - ASSIGNABLE

referral_notes - ASSIGNABLE

terms_and_conditions_agreed - BOOL



Sample GET Call:


Sample XML Response:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<affiliate_addedit_response xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">
  <message>Affiliate 1111318 Created</message>


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