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[Export] Offers (V5) - Admin

WSDL Page:  http://<your_domain_here>/api/5/export.asmx?op=Offers


Parameter Summary:

api_key / STRING = Admin API Key {See get.asmx > GetAPIKey}

offer_id / INT = Offer ID ["0" = ALL Offers] {See export.asmx > Offers}

offer_name / STRING = Freeform Offers Search

advertiser_id / INT = Advertiser ID ["0" = ALL Advertisers] {See export.asmx > Advertisers}

vertical_id / INT (short) = Vertical ID ["0" = ALL Verticals] {See get.asmx > Verticals}

offer_type_id / INT (unsignedByte) = Offer Type ID ["1" = Hosted, "2" = Host-n-Post, "3" = 3rd Party, "0" = ALL Offer Types]

media_type_id / INT (unsignedByte) = Media Type ID ["0" = ALL Media Types] {See get.asmx > GetMediaTypes}

offer_status_id / INT (unsignedByte) = Offer Status ID ["1" = Public, "2" = Private, "3" = Apply To Run, "4" = Inactive, "0" = ALL Offer Statuses]

tag_id / STRING = Tag ID ["0" = ALL Tags] {See get.asmx > AffiliateTags}

start_at_row / INT = Starting Row Number [Usually "1", unless doing incremental API Calls]

row_limit / INT = Maximum Rows Returned ["0" = ALL Rows, "100000" = Maximum]

sort_field / STRING = Sort Field ["offer_id", "offer_name", "date_created", "expiration_date"]

sort_descending / BOOL = Sort Descending? ["TRUE", "FALSE"]


Parameter Types:

api_key - ID

offer_id - ID

offer_name - ID

advertiser_id - ID

vertical_id - ID

offer_type_id - ID

media_type_id - ID

offer_status_id - ID

tag_id - ID

start_at_row - ID

row_limit - ID

sort_field - ID

sort_descending - ID


Sample GET Call:


Sample XML Response:

         <offer_name>Rename Offer Again</offer_name>
            <advertiser_name>Rename Advertiser</advertiser_name>
            <vertical_name>Marketing Technology</vertical_name>
         <offer_image_link />
                           <country_name>Antigua and Barbuda</country_name>
                           <country_name>United States</country_name>
                  <disallowed_countries />
               <offer_contract_name>Call center</offer_contract_name>
               <thankyou_link />
         <tiers />
         <tags />
         <allowed_media_types />
            <currency_name>US Dollar</currency_name>
         <suppression_amount />
            <start_date />
            <start_date />
            <pixel_html />
            <postback_url />
            <postback_delay_ms />
         <session_regeneration_seconds />
            <suppression_list_name>Suppression List 73</suppression_list_name>
            <date_updated />
         <unsubscribe_link />
         <preview_link />
         <offer_description />
         <restrictions />
         <advertiser_extended_terms />
         <testing_instructions />
         <from_lines />
         <subject_lines />
         <upsells />
         <thankyou_html />
         <expiration_date />

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