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How to Track Conversions With a Global Advertiser Pixel

            If you, or your Advertiser, is running traffic for multiple Offers that share the same confirmation page, it is common practice to utilize a Global Advertiser Pixel so that only one pixel needs to be placed to capture conversions for all Offers. However, this common practice may not be the best practice in terms of accurately tracking conversions across Offers. Because of this, CAKE supports and recommends two other options that will be more accurate in attributing conversions.

    The CAKE Global Advertiser Pixel utilizes the Advertiser ID in the Conversion Pixel rather than the Offer ID, allowing a single pixel to track conversions for multiple Offers for that Advertiser. However, if a single user touches two or more of those Offers that share the same confirmation page, the Conversion will be attributed to the Offer that had the most recent click, which is not always accurate.

            Another common, yet more accurate, conversion tracking implementation would be to utilize a Dynamic Offer Pixel. This solution would require that you pass the Offer ID to your Advertiser, or to the Landing Page, to be stored on each click and then passed back to CAKE in the Offer ID parameter of the pixel. This method is more accurate because the Advertiser is ensuring which Offer the user has converted on by passing the Offer ID back to CAKE in the pixel fire.

            The final implementation option is to utilize the #oreqid# token on your Offer link which will pass the CAKE Offer ID and Request Session ID to the landing page to be stored for the user. Though this implementation is primarily used for Server-to-Server tracking, it is also useful for browser based conversions where cookies may be blocked or cleared. With this token, the CAKE Offer ID and Request ID will be passed into a single parameter delimited with a dash (i.e. 3-452386). The Advertiser will then post this dash delimited string back to CAKE in the r= parameter of the pixel.


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