The Offers Tab of the Advertiser Card lists all Offers that are associated to this Advertiser.
This view displays some basic information about this Advertiser's Offers:
- Name: This is the Name of the Offer.
- Vertical: This is the Vertical associated to the Offer. Affiliates can filter Offers in the Affiliate Portal by Vertical (or Vertical Category depending on your setting).
- Status: More accessibility than true status, the possible options are 1) Public, 2) Apply to Run, or 3) Private.
- Link: This is the Offer Link associated to the Offer. This does NOT go through a cupCAKE redirect link and nothing will track in cupCAKE through this link.
- SSL: This indicates whether the SSL checkbox is checked for this Offer requiring pixels to be secure (https)
- Created: The date the Offer was created
You can add an Offer directly from this tab as well using the Add Offer button.
The right-most icon is to delete Offers.