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[Account] ChangeAccountInfo (V2) - Affiliate

WSDL Page:  http://<your_domain_here>/affiliate/api/2/account.asmx?op=ChangeAccountInfo


Parameter Summary:

api_key / STRING = Affiliate API Key {See auth.asmx > Login}

affiliate_id / INT = Affiliate ID {See auth.asmx > Login}

contact_id / INT = Contact ID {See auth.asmx > Login}

contact_type_id / INT (unsignedByte) = Contact Type ID {See account.asmx > GetContactTypes}

first_name / STRING = Contact First Name

last_name / STRING = Contact Last Name

email_address / STRING = Contact Email Address

title / STRING = Contact Title

phone_work / STRING = Contact Work Phone

phone_cell / STRING = Contact Cell Phone

phone_fax / STRING = Contact Fax Phone

im_service / STRING = Contact IM Service ["0" = AIM, "1" = Google, "2" = MSN, "3" = Skype, "4" = Yahoo]

im_name / STRING = Contact IM Name

tax_class / STRING = Tax Class ["Corporation", "Individual/Sole Proprietor", "Partners/LLC/LLP", "Other"]

ssn_tax_id / STRING = SSN or Tax ID

payment_to / STRING = Payment Entity ["0" = Company Name, "1" = Main Contact]

website / STRING = Affiliate Website

address_street_1 / STRING = Affiliate Street Address 1

address_street_2 / STRING = Affiliate Street Address 2

address_city / STRING = Affiliate City

address_state / STRING = Affiliate State

address_country / STRING = Affiliate Country

address_zip_code / STRING = Affiliate Zip Code


Parameter Types:

api_key - ID

affiliate_id - ID

contact_id - ID

contact_type_id - ASSIGNABLE

first_name - ASSIGNABLE

last_name - ASSIGNABLE

email_address - ASSIGNABLE


phone_work - ASSIGNABLE

phone_cell - ASSIGNABLE

phone_fax - ASSIGNABLE

im_service - ASSIGNABLE

im_name - ASSIGNABLE

tax_class - ASSIGNABLE

ssn_tax_id - ASSIGNABLE

payment_to - ASSIGNABLE

website - ASSIGNABLE

address_street_1 - ASSIGNABLE

address_street_2 - ASSIGNABLE

address_city - ASSIGNABLE

address_state - ASSIGNABLE

address_country - ASSIGNABLE

address_zip_code - ASSIGNABLE


Sample GET Call:[email protected]&title=Master+of+the+Universe&phone_work=9495482253x204&phone_cell=9495482252&phone_fax=9495482253x204&im_service=1&im_name=cake_andy&tax_class=Other&ssn_tax_id=565579584&payment_to=0&website=


Sample XML Response:

  <message>Update Request Submitted</message>

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