Mobile Targeting Summary
CAKE has expanded its service offering to capture, track and report mobile client data. This includes demographic and technical information, such as country, language, carrier, OS, device, etc. Leveraging this data, CAKE will provide the ability to target users by these demographic and technical details as well as track and report these data points.
Mobile Targeting is separated into two components, the Targeting Engine and Reporting. This primer will cover the Targeting Engine component.
Mobile Targeting High Level Workflow
Mobile Targeting introduces a powerful tool that allows users to route traffic to Offers, based on a series of Mobile Rules. You can create your normal Offer, create one or more Mobile Rules – ex. - an iPhone Mobile Rule which would identify iPhone traffic and redirect to an iPhone Offer. Once enabled, CAKE would scan inbound clicks and based on the defined Rules, we would route users to that iPhone Offer.
Mobile Targeting Hierarchy
Mobile Rule Basics
With CAKE's Mobile infrastructure, you now have the flexibility to create Mobile Targeting Rules that route in-bound clicks to a mobile branded user experience. These Mobile Targeting Rules can be created at the Offer level and are defined as a one-to-one relationship between the Rule and Offer/Offer Contract.
Mobile Rules:
A Mobile Rule is a placeholder for one or more Mobile Targets and has a one-to-many relationship to Mobile Targets. Targets are the specific parameters used to route traffic and consist of the following types:
Rule Target Types:
User Agent Match
Operating System
Percentage Split
User Agent Targeting:
User Agent is a text box that allows you to define specific HTTP header information to target against. This field expects valid regular expression data – example - @"^(?!opera)(?=.*\b(android|iphone|ipod)\b).*$"
Similar to our Geo based targeting, you can select specific countries and/or regions (or states) as potential targets. This will allow CAKE to determine the inbound click’s geographical location and route users to an offer.
CAKE has partnered with best of breed data providers and aggregated thousands of device patterns to help target based on mobile device. Through a user agent scan, we can determine the specific device or manufacturer for targeting purposes.
Operating System:
Similar to our device pattern matching, CAKE leverages user agent patterns to help target based on Operating System. Based on this pattern, we can determine the specific Operating System or range of Operating System matches for targeting purposes.
Similar to our device pattern matching, CAKE leverages user agent patterns to help target based on Browser.
Similar to our device pattern matching, CAKE leverages user agent patterns to help target based on Language.
CAKE has partnered with best of breed data providers and implemented a large database of IPs and Carriers to help determine the network the initial click traffic flowed through.
Percentage Split:
You can assign a percentage value (0-100), which would split traffic between Rules, based on those percentages. It follows the same hierarchical logic that our Rules already follow (first Rule analyzed first, second rule analyzed, etc.). When you assign a Percentage Split value of 90 (90%) on an initial Rule – all traffic that matches the Rule has a 90% chance of routing to the Offer associated. 10% of that remaining traffic would move on to the next Rule.
Mobile Targeting Examples
Now that we’re familiar with the Mobile Rules and Targets, let’s look at some examples of how you can leverage these on an Offer.
Mobile Targeting expands on our existing Geo Targeting rules, but works as a separate function. New Offers and existing Offers can leverage Mobile Targeting, but since they are separate functions, you must choose one type per Offer. If you already have a number of existing offers that leverage Geo Targeting, you can keep those unchanged and only leverage Mobile Targeting on all new Offers. Or, you can take an existing Offer and switch the Geo Targeting to Mobile Targeting and leverage the Geo capabilities within Mobile Targeting.
Mobile Interface Walk-Thru
• Open an Offer card
• Select the “Traffic” tab
• Select “Rules” in the left-hand drop-down. This will allow you to create and/or edit your targeting rule(s).
• Now that (mobile) targeting has been set, you can select “New Rule”, which will load the initial window to create and add mobile rules.
Mobile Targeting Interface:
• Each rule can be redirected to an Offer or Offer Contract.
• Within each rule, you can define multiple rule targets, which are made up of the various mobile parameters we reviewed in an earlier section. In the above example, we have a rule called “iPhone Traffic”. When you select the “Edit” icon for that rule, it will open up the Rule Targets window (below). In this particular example, we have defined a Rule Target that matches on an iPhone mobile device. Under this rule, when we determine a click originated on an iPhone, we would route this click to the redirect (Offer Contract) called “CAKE Mobile Install - iPhone - CPA - Public".
• Rules are hierarchical in nature – in other words, the listed order of your Rules will determine the order in which they are executed. In the above example, the Rule “iPhone Traffic” would be scanned first, "iPad Traffic" second, “Android Traffic” third and so on. Once a Rule has been matched, the click is immediately routed on the fly and no further Rules will be read. Once you’ve created a Rule, it’s easy to change the Rule Targets, hierarchy, etc.
New Mobile Offer Rules:
• In the example below, we will define a Rule Target for Operating System.
• Within CAKE, open up an Offer card.
• Select the “Traffic” tab.
• Select “Rules” and hit “Apply.” This will enable Mobile Targeting on this particular Offer.
• Now that Mobile Targeting has been, set, you can select “Edit”, which will load the initial window to create Mobile Rules.
• Since this is a newly defined Mobile Offer, the Mobile Rules screen should be blank.
• Click on “New Rule”. This will open a new window to allow you to enter in a name for the rule and the redirect destination.
• Also, in this window are “Active” and “Shared” checkboxes. Active defines whether or not the rule is enabled. Shared defines whether or not this rule can be accessed on other Offers. At times, it can be more efficient to define a general rule and then utilize it across multiple offers without having to recreate the rule each time.
• Select a name for the rule ("Android Match", for example) and then select a Redirect Target – Offer or Offer Contract. The red highlight indicates that these are mandatory fields. For name, use a descriptor that would best describe the rule being created (“Operating System Match Rule – iOS 5”, for example).
• From the “Add Rule Target” drop down box, select a Target Type – in this case, Operating System. CAKE gives you a number of data points to match on – OS type (iOS), OS Major Version (iOS 5) or OS Minor Version (iOS 5.0.1). You also have the flexibility to add a range or target a specific OS type – you can target a range of OS types or OS major versions (iOS 5 to iOS 6), or a specific major or minor version.
Once you’ve selected the Operating Systems you are targeting, click “Save” to save the Target Type. This will return you to the main Rules window with the various Targets defined. Once you’ve added in your additional Targets, simply click “Create” to save the Rule.
Editing Rules
If you need to change the Target Types within a Rule, simply click the “Edit” icon on the Rule line (to the right). This will open up the Target Types and you can select the “Edit” icon (that looks like a paper with a pencil over it) on the Target line to edit those.