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How to Approve Pending Affiliates and Applied Campaigns

This article covers:

What Are Pending Affiliates?

If you are using the default Affiliate Signup page ( or utilizing the Affiliate Signup API through a custom signup page, the Affiliate's who have signed up for your program will need to be reviewed/approved in the Pending Affiliates Queue.

What Are Applied Campaigns?

For clients who want to display all their offers in the affiliate portal but still control which affiliates are approved to run each offer, they can use the offer status of "apply to run." When an affiliates then applies for the offer through their portal, a pending campaign will be created and displayed in the Applied Campaigns queue for further approval.

How to Approve Pending Affiliates

To access the Pending Affiliates queue, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Affiliates main-tab
  2. Click the Affiliates sub-tab in the Pending section
  3. Click the Plus Icon next to the name of each pending affiliate to review their information
  4. Click Approve to create them as an active affiliate in the platform/send them login credentials


Rejected Affiliates are not deleted from your system in order to keep a log of their application and prevent the affiliate from applying again. To view rejected affiliates, click the Show Rejected Affiliates button on the top right of the screen.

How to Approve Apply to Run Campaigns

To access the Applied Campaigns queue, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Affiliates main-tab
  2. Click the Campaigns sub-tab in the Applied section
  3. Check the box or boxes next to each campaign you want to approve or reject
  4. Click Approve to create the campaign as active/provide the affiliate access to their link and assets of the offer.


What is the difference between Applied Campaigns queue and Pending Campaigns queue?

    The Pending Campaigns queue shows you campaigns in pending status that are tied to private or public offers (not apply to run offers).

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